Low on Energy? Easy to Follow Tips for An Energy Boost!!!
We all have responsibilities. I am a wife and mother. It requires a lot of energy to keep up with 2 little ones. I also run my own business. That takes a lot of energy as well. When I am teaching my classes or meeting with students I need to be present with them. I can’t sit down and take a nap cause I am tired. I have to be on. And I have to give them all of me. They are paying for my services. I need to provide that.
So, what can you do when you just are not feeling it or you don’t have the energy to get things done?
Follow me easy to follow tips to for an energy BOOST!!!
1. Get Moving
Have you ever had a long day of sitting all day at your desk, or had a long drive. At the end of the day you are exhausted. You ask yourself “What did I do to make me so tired?”. You wonder how you can be tired when you didn’t even do anything.
Sitting for long periods of time can put your brain into sleep mode. You aren’t moving so your body slows down the amount of oxygen flowing to your brain. This signals your body to slow down and to sleep.
Getting moving will help. Take a 10 minute walk. Taking just 10 minutes to get your body moving will waken you up and help you to focus and be productive.
2. Clutter and Mess
Your house and or desk are a mess. Everything is disorganized. You have no energy to clean it or get anything done that you are suppose to.
I have little kids. I clean up one room and they are off to another room making another mess. I get highly stressed when my house is a mess. I have a hard time focusing and harder time feeling motivated to do anything about it.
The problem is the mess. So, you have to deal with that. The sights of all the mess and disorganization is causing you to stress about it. You brain is focused on all the different tasks that need to get done. This is overwhelming.
To combate this get rid of stuff. I put things in boxes and then put it in my storage if I haven’t used it in a while. If you don’t use it get rid of it. You can also donate stuff and get a tax right off. The less stuff you have the less you have to clean.
3. Eating the Right Foods
You can’t seem to feel full. You just want to eat and eat and eat. You may be eating the wrong kinds of foods. You may be lacking nutrients and you are craving food so you just just can’t get satisfied. Also, when you are eating a lot of carbs or processed foods your body is not getting a lot of nutrients. Your body needs protein, fats and carbs.
Eat veggies, fruits, lean proteins and whole grains. This will make you feel fuller and keep you satisfied. You also want to combine your foods. So, eating an apple with almond butter is an example. You are combining a fat with a fruit. This will help so that you don’t just get the sugar from the fruit.
4. Water
Are you feeling hungry? Have a headache that won’t go away? Drinking fluids but not water?
You may be dehydrated.
Drinking water gives oxygen to our brains. It helps our organs function effectively. Water is also great for your skin, it helps make it look healthy and full. You want to aim for drinking 1/2 your body weight per day in ounces of water. For instance if you are 150 lbs you want to drink 75 oz of water per day. If you are exercising you want to get in 12 oz of water per hour of exercise.