Are you tired of that extra layer of fat hanging over your bra strap?  
Do you suffer from back pain or your can’t stand for a long period of time?
That was me a year ago.  I could not stand very long without my back hurting.  The only thing that would relieve it would be to sit down.  Made my life difficult at times.  Standing in line at the grocery store or even just having a conversation with someone it would hurt.  
I am happy to say that I am pain free!  I added strengthening exercises, stretching and working the other muscles that support the back muscles.  My back feels so much better and I am able to do those things that I could not do a year ago.  
Here is my guide to of top exercises that worked for me.  The exercises focus on the different muscles of the back and the chest and abs.  The Down Dog to Plank exercise is great for increasing flexibility in your upper and lower back.  
1.  One Arm Row –
2.  Super Man
3.  Side Plank with Hip Drop
4.  Reverse Fly
5. Plank Hip Drop
6.  Down Dog to Plank
Click on the link below to see some of these exercises on my youtube account.

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