Stop the silent struggle with food and body image.
Perfect your skills and learn how to use your knowledge to help yourself and others. I have learned through experience and through education how to find that balance.
I have worked in the fitness industry for the last 15 years. I have my Master’s Degree in Exercise Physiology. My years of studying and research has taught me the science and exactness of fitness and nutrition. I believe that not all exercise is equal. There is an optimal way to achieve your results.
I have worked as faculty at college teaching Nutrition, and Physical Fitness Classes. I also have taught fitness classes in gyms and in other community centers. My years of teaching has perfected my knowledge and craft. I am thrilled to be able to share my expertise with you. I want to share with you my tricks and tools that have made my classes a success and my students have also seen great success.
We rise by lifting others
Robert Ingersoll
When I was in my early 20’s I was working as a personal trainer and a fitness instructor. I was also going to school full time studying Exercise Physiology. I loved to exercise, but I had a secret. I struggled with food. I struggled to eat healthy foods. I let my busy schedule and my love for exercise be my excuse for not eating well. As long as I made up for my bad eating by over exercising I could even out the calories.
I got to a point where I was binge eating and then purging.
I was silently struggling.
I felt such shame and lack of control. I also felt like a hypocrite. I was suppose to be a health and fitness expert yet I was struggling myself. If anyone knew about my secret life I would be so embarrassed. I felt like I was living a lie.
Through counseling and education I was able to heal. I have gained confidence and a healthy appetite for food. I no longer abuse my body in secret. I have learned from my experiences and am here to help you with yours. I know what it is like to feel shame and guilt about your food choices. I know what it is like to feel like you don’t look they way that you think you should. So, you go to extremes to get your results. This only leads to more weight gain and out of control behavior.
I am here to help you “Own Your Expertise”.
It is time to take care of yourself and not just your students. Your health and fitness matter too. You don’t have to wear yourself out with a schedule full of classes. There is a way to use your knowledge and expertise to help your students and also make the money you are worth.
Start taking care of yourself the right way. I have the answers and the support to help you through it. Join me for my 6 week program. You will feel energized, confident and in control. I have been there and I have beat it. Check out the details of my program “Own Your Expertise“.